Since 2008, the Lord has provided for Timothy Partners through the faithful prayers and financial support of friends and alumni of our partners. Prayerfully consider helping us support missionaries and their families.
Designated Gifts
Donate to Wherever Needed Most
Check (all currencies)
Mail your gift to:
Timothy Partners
P.O. Box 301
McCordsville, IN 46055
United States
A tax-smart way to make a larger impact is to give assets such as real estate, business interests, stocks or mutual fund transfer. Timothy Partners has partnered with The Signatry to process these type of donations seamlessly for us. For more information contact us by phone at +1 (804) 819-9205 or email info@timothypartners.org.
Other Giving Methods
Alternative forms of donating are available, such as: electronic funds transfer (EFT), PayPal, securities, or in-kind donations. To learn more, contact us by phone at +1 (804) 819-9205 or email info@timothypartners.org.
We highly value your donation and will honor the generosity and intent of your gift in the most effective and efficient way possible. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Timothy Partners seeks contributions from individuals, organizations, and others to help support our partners around the world. No more than seven percent (7%) of each gift is used for supporting activities. This percentage, along with private grants, provide for our operational cost. Contributions to Timothy Partners are tax deductible in the United States.